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Consultation - competence standards

19 Jul, 2024

We’re consulting and invite medical imaging and radiation therapy practitioners to provide feedback on proposed changes to your competence standards, by completing an online survey.

View proposed competence standards and competence consultation at the bottom of the page.

A review of the competence standards was last conducted, in consultation with the profession, in 2022 - results being published in May 2023. Since then, the practice of imaging and radiation in New Zealand has continued to evolve.

The Medical Radiation Technologists Board (the Board) has received feedback about several additions and changes that could be made to make sure standards remain current for practice.

A detailed summary of the proposed changes can be found in the document below. The current standards can be viewed here.

We invite you to provide feedback on the proposed changes to the competence standards by completing an online survey. This consultation will close at 5pm on 19 August 2024.

The Board will consider all feedback received before making any changes to the standards.

We’ll be in touch about the outcome and next steps.

If you have any queries please view the FAQs below – you can also get in touch by emailing or phoning 04 801 6250.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are competence standards?

Competence standards are rules (the minimum requirements) used to guide practitioners and ensure they are competent to practice. For more details view the Competence Standards document (for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand) on this page.

Q: What are the proposed changes?

The changes generally relate to:

  • Rewording for clarity
  • Rewording for plain language throughout the standards (Note these are not individually identified where they do not change the meaning of the text)
  • Rewording or additions to ensure alignment and consistency between modalities and scopes of practice
  • Addition of references
  • Inclusion of informed consent
  • Ensuring Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles are aligned with those used by Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health.

Q: Does this consultation include a review of all competencies?

No. This consultation/proposed version is an interim update in response to feedback that the Board has received.

A review of the Board’s scope of practice is scheduled. This will lead to a more extensive review of the competencies. More information about this will be provided in due course.

Q: Why do the competency standards need changing?

They haven’t been updated since 2022 and the Board has since received feedback about several additions and changes that could be made to ensure standards remain current for practice. Since those changes were adopted the Board has received feedback that we are now consulting on now, before doing a full review.

Q: Is there going to be a full review of the Medical Radiation Technologists Board scope of practice?

A review of the Board’s scope of practice is scheduled. This will lead to a more extensive review of the competencies. More information about this will be provided in due course.

Q: What does this mean for me?

Many of the proposed changes provide clarity and consistency across the professions and reflect best practice. You’re feedback during this consultation will inform the changes we make to the competencies.

Q: What do the proposed changes mean for me/my practice?

As an example, if the proposed changes are made practitioners will need to have knowledge around informed consent.

The current proposed changes are not substantial, requiring you to do anything different right now, unless you believe you do need to upskill at this time. Reading the proposed changes will help you to determine whether that may be the case.

For your information: when you make your annual declaration (APC) you will need to declare that you are meeting the most up-to-date competencies.

Q: Why are you consulting with us/practitioners?

It’s important to get your feedback, ensure the competency standards are fit for purpose and reflect current practice.

Q: What happens after the consultation ends?

The Board will review the feedback and make a decision about changes. We’ll update you at that time.