It’s APC season (14 Feb -31 March). As you can imagine we're dealing with large volumes of applications and working as fast as we can. Please give us at least five working days to deal with your emails. For more information and FAQs search ‘APC’.

About Us

The Medical Radiation Technologists Board (the Board) is one of eighteen New Zealand health responsible authorities appointed by the Minister of Health under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act). The Board is responsible for the administration of the Act in regard to the profession of medical radiation technology.

Te Poari Ringa Hangarau Iraruke ( Poari) Na

Ko tenei tetahi o ngā hononga mahi mai te  tekau mā waru o Aotearoa hauora rehitatanga matanga na, te Minita Hauora i whakarite  me whai i  raro  te Hauora Matanga  Maramatanga kia taurangi Tohu 2003(Tohu) Ko tā te Poari he whakarite whakamana i ngā  tuhinga ka pa ki te tōhu mo ngā Akonga Mātai  hihi hangarau.