It’s APC season (14 Feb -31 March). As you can imagine we're dealing with large volumes of applications and working as fast as we can. Please give us at least five working days to deal with your emails. For more information and FAQs search ‘APC’.


Gazette Notices - Registration - Recertification - Fitness to Practise - Examinations - Health, Competence and Conduct - Accreditation - Expanded Practice - Fees - Publications - Covid-19

Secondary legislation | Gazette notices

As a statutory body, we are required to formally publish notifications of our scopes of practice, accepted qualifications, and fees in the New Zealand Gazette. The Gazette is the official Government newspaper and authoritative journal of constitutional record. A Gazette notice under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 is secondary legislation per the Legislation Act 2019 (and Secondary Legislation Act 2021).



Fitness to Practise


Health, Competence and Conduct


Expanded Practice

