FINAL DAYS to renew your 2025/2026 APC. Apply by Thursday 27 March to ensure there's time for everyone to get through the process.

What we do

The Medical Radiation Technologists Board of New Zealand is one of eighteen New Zealand health responsible authorities appointed by the Minister of Health under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (the Act). 

The Board is responsible for the administration of the Act  in respect of the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession:

  • Medical Imaging Technologist
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technologist
  • Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  • Sonographer
  • Radiation Therapist

The primary responsibility of the Board is to protect the health and safety of the New Zealand public. The Board ensures this by:

  • Prescribing the qualifications required for scopes of practice within the professions of medical imaging and radiation therapy, and for that purpose, to accredit and monitor educational institutions and degrees, courses of studies or programmes.
  • Authorising the registration of health practitioners under the Act, and maintaining registers.
  • Considering applications for annual practising certificates.
  • Reviewing and promoting the competence of health practitioners registered with the Board.
  • Recognising, accrediting, and setting programmes to ensure the ongoing competence of health practitioners registered with the Board.
  • Receiving and acting on information from health practitioners, employers, and the Health and Disability Commissioner about the competence of health practitioners registered with the Board.
  • Notifying employers, the Accident Compensation Corporation, the Director-General of Health, and the Health and Disability Commissioner that the practise of a health practitioner registered with the Board may pose a risk of harm to the public.
  • Considering the cases of health practitioners registered with the Board who may be unable to perform the functions required for the practice of their relevant profession.
  • Setting standards of clinical competence, cultural competence, and ethical conduct to be observed by health practitioners registered in each of the professions regulated by the Board.
  • Liaising with other authorities appointed under the Act about matters of common interest.
  • Promoting education and training in each of the professions regulated by the Board.
  • Promoting public awareness of the responsibilities of the Board.
  • Exercising and performing any other functions, powers, and duties that are conferred or imposed on it by or under the Act or any other enactment.