Apply for your 2025/26 Annual Practising Certificate (APC) from 14 February, and make sure you’ve completed the process by 31 March. Search ‘APC’ for more info. 

Internationally Qualified Registration

If you hold an overseas qualification in medical imaging or radiation therapy, or equivalent you can apply for registration. Registration is dependent on:

1.      Holding a qualification which is assessed by the Board as equivalent

          or as satisfactory as a prescribed qualification.

2.      Having appropriate post-qualification clinical experience.

3.      Meeting fitness to practise requirements.

How your qualification is assessed

If your qualification is from the same educational institution and the same graduation year as a previous application that has already been assessed, then your qualification will not be subject to further assessment. You can check whether your qualification has been assessed by clicking on 'my profile' and entering the details of your qualification. 

If not, then your overseas qualification (overseas qualification meaning any qualification obtained in any other country than New Zealand or Australia), will be assessed against the competencies required of a New Zealand medical imaging or radiation therapy graduate.

The criteria your qualification is assessed against

  • Does your qualification enable you to apply for registration (or licensure) and/or allows you to practise without condition or restriction as a medical imaging practitioner in the country where your programme of study was completed?
  • Is the education provider subject to and meets external quality assurance?
  • Has a registration authority accredited the programme of study?
  • Does the education level of qualification meet the required minimum level against our Qualification Framework?
  • Did your programme of study focus on the scope of practice for which you are seeking registration?
  • Does the programme include clinical practice and academic learning and was there an assessment of clinical competence?

Fitness to Practise

You must meet the Board’s English Language requirements and be in good standing with each registration authority you have worked in to meet the Board’s fitness to practise requirements.

Cultural Competency 

Once registered, you must complete the Cultural Competency and Cultural Safety and Te Tiriti o Waitangi and The Treaty of Waitangi and Healthcare modules within six months of commencing practising in New Zealand

All new overseas-trained applicants who apply for and gain registration must complete:

  • the Mauriora Foundation Courses in Cultural Competency and Cultural Safety and Te Tiriti o Waitangi and The Treaty of Waitangi and Healthcare
  • the Clarify courses are currently unavailable - the Board is looking for a suitable replacement - details will be shown here once they are confirmed.

All four courses must be completed within six months of commencing practice in New Zealand.

You will be issued with an Interim Practising Certificate initially and once you have completed and provided evidence of completion of the required courses, you will be issued with an Annual Practising Certificate at no additional cost.

Registration Timeframe

Providing your application is received with all the required documentation and the full registration fee payment, it may take up to 8 weeks to process.

To apply for registration, you will need to provide:


A certified copy of your qualification (this may also be referred to as your Diploma or Degree). A photocopy may be certified as a true copy by a solicitor, Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or an Officer of the Court.

Evidence of study
  • An official copy of your academic transcript.
  • If applicable, copy of your clinical log book detailing examinations/procedures completed during clinical component of qualification.
  • A copy of the full course curriculum (in English) for the qualification programme you undertook.
  • A letter from professional accreditation body confirming accreditation/recognition of the programme of study you completed for registration or license to practice.
Character and Experience
  • Two Certificates of Good Character that ha­ve been completed by persons unrelated to you, and one of whom is a practising medical imaging and/or radiation therapy practitioner.
  • Clinical Experience Form (relevant to the scope of practice you are applying for registration in).
  • If you are registered with a licensing/registration authority in your home country or any other country, please provide a certified copy of your registration certificate.
Evidence of Employment
  • A statement from each employer you have had in the 5 years prior to your application which includes start and end date of employment, normal contracted hours per week and job title.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Evidence of name change if applicable (certified copy of your marriage, birth or deed poll certificate).
  • One passport-style photograph signed with your signature and certified to be a true likeness of yourself (stating your name) by a solicitor, Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or an Officer of the Court.
English Language

All registration applicants must meet the Board's English language requirements. If you are required to sit an English language test, please provide a copy of your examination results. Applicants may take either the IELTS test (academic) or the OET test. If an applicant chooses the IELTS test, they must attain a score of 7.0 in each of the four categories of listening, reading, writing and speaking. If an applicant chooses the OET test, they must attain a B pass. For OET tests, an applicant may attempt the radiology test.

Please note, the Board also accepts the ‘one skill retake’ offered by IELTS - it allows an applicant to retake just one category if they only failed one of the categories and saves them from retaking the whole test.

Evidence of Good Standing

Certificate of Good Standing from each licensing/registration authority you are or have been registered with. The Certificate of Good Standing should state that there are no outstanding complaints against you in regard to your conduct as a health professional. The certificate must not be more than 6 months old at the date of your application.

Criminal conviction
  • A criminal conviction notice that is no more than six months old from each country you have lived and worked in for more than 12 months.
  • Please ensure all current and previous names are included in the check.

Please note: Only the following criminal history checks will be accepted by the Board:

For countries not on this list, please check with the Board. The Immigration New Zealand website may provide some guidance. 

Please note, criminal check certificates issued by a third party will not be accepted.

Fee payment

You must pay the required fee at the time you submit your application. No refund will be given if your application is unsuccessful.